Bloody Foreigners! (MuzzleHim)
I want to shave my head
Right down to the bone,
I want to see your bones buried
Under the black soil,
From whence you came.
You came over here and took our jobs
Now you stay over there,
And take our jobs!
You Islamic dog, you muslim!
You want muzzlin’, you muslim!
You must slim back your ways
Back in your ways
You are.
You work hard?
You think mindless hate is easy?
You think prejudice just comes
And it's easy-peasy?
I’m white and proud!
I know I can get a tan
But there is a ban on gettin' a tan
In my house
In my country
That’s now a cunt tree.
Who shall I hate next?
clarissa mckone
Wed 22nd Jul 2009 03:36
Welcome Thomas,
I think your poem is very interesting
and shows that some people
are in a since pig headed.
I think its good that all people can speak and
write whats on their minds.
No one should ever tell another
that their comment is
of no value. In fact to call another names
is to a point a real problem.
I enjoy being called an infidel
and being looked at like I'm scum
in my own land, where I was born.
I find it fascinating, that so many can lose a job
to a lower paid worker, from another country.
I all so find it very interesting when, so many
flee the country of birth, and then go into
another and try to keep the very things they
left behind.Its no secret, that if you change
the ethnic makeup, and religious makeup
of a country enough, that, that very country ceases
to exist.Just look to history to try and disprove this statement.
When my family came over on the boats
and paid their way in, and had to pass health inspections
to be admitted, this country was young.We all had some hard lumps
along the way, to prove ourselves worthy of being Americans.
In other words, we had to work, pay taxes, and blend in and speak the language that
bonds a culture.Many that travel to other country's, don't do this, and in my opinion
have no respect for the country that they take from.Just my observation.
Your poem, for me was funny in many ways, and sad in others. I hope you know that
not all people think like that. But some points from the skin head are valid, just as yours are.Your poem is not offensive, nor is it racist.I would not worry about it.Freedom of speech, is of great value.Some people are ultra sensitive, and worry for others, that need to just get a life.