What is it with Daughters?
They’re such a pain
Even when they were little
They kept interrupting my sleep
They’re such a pain
Why can’t Daughters be like cars?
When you get fed up of them
You can trade them in for something else
Or, maybe recover a little bit of cash
They’re such a pain
Come to think of it, they are like cars
Smell funny when they’re new
Constantly require washing
Expensive and high-maintenance
They’re such a pain
Silly as I am, never had a test drive
Else I’d have known, just how much they whine
Constantly changing their gear
Always need filling up
They’re such a pain
Should have taken it for a spin
Realised what a bumpy ride they can give
Just how exhausting they can be
Always so cranky, blowing their gasket every month
They’re such a pain
I should have had a Son
Boys are just so much better
At anything I can think of
Like kicking a ball, scoring a hoop
Daughters are just a pain
A Son would be proud of his feeble facial hair
Whilst a Daughter spends all her time
Trying to get rid of the stuff
And forever changing the colour of her mop
Daughters are just a pain
And when it comes to education
I’ll have you know, even I’ve got three ‘O’ Levels
But those painful daughters
Insist that ‘A’ Levels and University and degrees
Are so much better – the way to go - what a pain.
But I can’t deny, when I see them now
All grown up and oh so smart
Barbie’s and Gameboy’s discarded
Beating me to the punchline
I can’t deny, I am just so, so proud
(PS. I love my Daughters. But this was a bit of fun at their expense (for a change - turn the tables now that I am old and wrinkly and an object of their fun...). A
2.I can’t be dead
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
Things to do, Words unsaid
Books unread, verses still to write
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
I eat Muesli, Yoghurt and Granary bread
And I’ve never had to ask for a light
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
I drink only enough units to keep a clear head
And make sure that I remain upright
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
I don’t remember feeling any dread
No unexplained feelings of stage-fright
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
Perhaps I’m being deliberately misled
To see whether or not I’d get uptight
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
I’m sure I cleaned my teeth and went to bed
I’m sure I was feeling just fine last night
I can’t be dead
That just wouldn’t be right
After the perfect life I’ve led
Surely that just can’t be right
However, I do indeed appear to be dead
The Doc has confirmed that this is right
There’s no need to reserve a hospital bed
Death snuck up stealthy and quiet overnight
I can’t quite believe I’m dead
It just doesn’t quite seem to be right
If that were true, I’m supposed to be looking down from overhead
I think, somewhere, there must have been some terrible oversight