Counties and stuff
When I was young, we used to live in Yorkshire
Except, for some reason, our bit was called the West Riding
I assume there were also North, South and East one’s too
No fun at all, but required, I assume, so as to maintain geographical equality
Some people just seem to have no imagination
If I was in charge of giving things names
I’d have called them things like Piggy-back Riding, Bike Riding
Or White-knuckle Riding and perhaps Horse Riding
Then I could have told Mam I was off to see my mate in ‘Piggy-back’
Or meet my girlfriend in ‘Horse’
Then we’d have both known exactly where I was headed
Honestly, some people just have no imagination
2.What if?
What if the whole world decided
Sod it. Let’s get it over with.
And had one massive war
Which succeeded in wiping out
Everyone in the world.
What would be the point of that?
We’d never find out who won
Prove who was right and wrong
If anyone was actually right at all
I suppose some of us, maybe all of us, will find out.