I love the idea of religion
but not like you love
the pipes that carry waste
away under your house
unseen unfelt but useful.
I'm not inclined to the major decision
i'm ok with the loftier vision,
but everything about religion:
the bland respect
God expects
the laying of hands
the muting of liberated glands,
teacakes and tea
the tedium of service
the endless pleading for funds
too much harnessing of genuine mistakes
for conversion
harnessing of souls for salvation
seem to bring you down to earth
with a bang, yes like that.
Could it be that humans
are not really up to that?
too many rules to follow
too much fear of rules broken
like the pipes
something nasty leaking out
to ruin the ground we walk on
and stain the sense of who we are
and what we can never be?
Looking to skies and the buttercup
doesn't seem enough
and i've got no chance with eternity.