The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

cold pizza, nudity and the moon

at five a.m energy sieves through the minds of the asleep

creating pools of thought on the cool pillows and satin sheets

but i am awake tonight because i had the dream again

the dream where we are eating animal biscuits

and you are naked on the floor

and i am using the elephants and rhinos to enact a safari scene

on the jutting ranges of your ribs

and it is hot so hot that the chocolate melts

and i lick it from your skin

and for a few moments it is bliss

but then i leave blood on your breast

and my gums are bleeding

and the life is flowing from my mouth

and i wake up alone,

shivering even though it is unseasonably warm.

these nights alone are like needles in my arm,

a scathing review of my manhood

and how i wish i had been sober

when we kissed

but i was not

so now i sit here alone

with cold pizza, nudity and the moon.

◄ what will be easier would be easier

blossoms ►


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Stu Buck

Wed 20th Jul 2016 23:09

thanks ray, im glad this one went down well as its a fairly personal piece, albeit one written due to a challenge by steve pottinger on facebook.

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Wed 20th Jul 2016 22:54

A very fine piece of work stu. I can't add to the comments in any better summary but really enjoyed it - a classis Stu example!


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Stu Buck

Wed 20th Jul 2016 21:42

Cheers both. I'm flattered. Dreams are a spiritual and creative goldmine I think.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 20th Jul 2016 21:04

I bloody well love this. I'll say it again, I bloody well love it. To me dreams are the non-drug taker's absinthe. I could have dreamt this! Did I say I bloody well love it.

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Stu Buck

Wed 20th Jul 2016 20:10

thanks david. i had written a version of this that was really quite troubling and, for once, pared it down a bit. i was up all night last night (and the night before) and just sat on my bed watching the moon and eating cold pizza. it was quite a nice, spiritual moment.

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