The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Telephone Week

He called me on a Monday,

Said his name was guy,

Told me of the refund

I could get for PPI


The phone rang twice on Tuesday,

The lady’s name was Dee,

She spoke of eco matters,

How my boiler would be free


On Wednesday I was worried

By an accident I’d had,

The insurance chap who phoned me,

Was convinced the wounds were bad


On Thursday my computer

Had a virus, warned the man,

If I’d just pay an online fee,

They’d do a special scan


Friday’s call brought surveys

Detailed finance questionnaires,

Do they really need my passwords

And the details of my shares?


Saturday at 6 am,

The voice said not to fret,

A special deal was waiting

That would clear me of my debt


Sunday…’s so quiet,

I am sitting with a book,

Sunday is my day of rest,

The phone is off the hook


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Graham Sherwood

Wed 31st Aug 2016 15:10

Pam Ayres, look over your shoulder!

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Claire Baldry

Wed 31st Aug 2016 13:30

Thanks for your kind words all....gotta go the phone is ringing again!

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Lorna Spies

Mon 29th Aug 2016 14:25

O yes, don't we all suffer from these irritations! Loved it!

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John Coopey

Wed 24th Aug 2016 23:19

Enjoyed this, Claire. We seem to have stemmed them with Call Guard.

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Andy N

Tue 23rd Aug 2016 13:01

made me smile. nice

<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 22nd Aug 2016 05:30

Nice. We are all fellow sufferers. Ban them all !!

Your poem put me in mind of this song and it made me smile hearing it again. Hope you don't mind me adding the link ?

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 21st Aug 2016 17:20

Entertaining "take" on the modern scourge of cold calls and
associated attempts to free us from our cash. Like it.

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