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Samhain And The Sidhe

Long nights close in as harvest time is done,

When Samhain calls the sidhe to rule the night,

And careful ones the darkening forest shun.


The faerie folk may now come into sight,

And souls of forebears tread familiar trails,

As anxious kinfolk cower home in fright.


The Otherworld doorways this night will fail,

And off’rings to appease must now be made

To keep the spirits safe behind the veil.


So as the evening sunlight slowly fades,

The gifts of food and drink are left outside

In hopes they will propitiate the shades.


God-fearing people safe at home abide,

Till morning sun above horizon glides.


Terza Rima form

◄ Chalk And Cheese

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Trevor Alexander

Sat 29th Oct 2016 02:02

Thanks Rose. It was just the approach of 'halloween' that inspired me, harking back to Irish childhood. ?

<Deleted User> (9882)

Fri 28th Oct 2016 21:50

hints of the poet Rumi here Trevor.Love it!

Rose ?

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