The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

these winter days

when the sun
hating the cold dark mornings
hits snooze on the alarm three times
crawls out of bed grumbling
about stiffness in the joints
damp, a bunged-up nose,
is a bear with a sore head
till the coffee kicks in
last of the milk and the motivation

queues at the bus-stop in the rain
with the other heavenly bodies
doesn’t get a seat – again –
Mercury chattering on her mobile
about what Mars did
and how he loves her really
wise up, love
everyone knows what the boy’s like
anger-management issues
plain as the nose on his face
someone should tell him
sun bites his tongue
it’s not worth the aggro

then work, boss, office, drudge
same old same old
and the bus back home
Mercury sobbing in the corner

one day, sun tells himself, he’ll move somewhere better
do that sea, sand, tropical beach thing
Alpha Centauri always goes on about in her letters
but deep down he knows he lacks
the get-up-and-go
and when summer comes
he’ll be back down the park with a cold one
lolling about like always
making hay.



◄ A Poem In Which The Author Considers The Public Pronouncements Of Theresa May’s Conservative Govt On The Vexed Issue Of Europe From Her Accession In July 2016 Through To October Of The Same Year.

Complex mathematics, Oldbury ►


<Deleted User> (18118)

Tue 2nd Jan 2018 16:59

Great description of winter, enjoyed the observations.


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lynn hahn

Fri 1st Sep 2017 02:13

OK new fan here! Thanks for visiting my page so I could find you!

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steve pottinger

Thu 27th Apr 2017 17:12

Thanks, Neil!

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Neil Robertson

Thu 27th Apr 2017 11:40

Love this Steve - incredible use of metaphorical language when describing the sun. I'm a bit jealous!

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steve pottinger

Wed 14th Dec 2016 09:08

Thanks, Ray. Really glad you enjoyed it. ?

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Tue 13th Dec 2016 17:34

Very different Steve - it sort of reminds me of a stageset or a Dennis Potter novel, not sure why, maybe because of the celestial overseeing !
A really good read.


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steve pottinger

Tue 13th Dec 2016 10:09

Thanks, folks. ?

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 13th Dec 2016 09:08

proper good stuff Steve - love the opener and the rest just follows as it should. Thanks for posting, Colin

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Laura Taylor

Mon 12th Dec 2016 12:23

mmmMMM - good one Steve ?

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