One day these kids will show off their past
with photos in frames on mantleshelves
"That's my grandad, I was five"
they'll say
recalling with misty eyes
the heritage railways they visited together
knowing not the torture of those earlier days
when locomotives taught their men a lesson
they'd never forget
of fiery alliances
on reckless rails
leaving home for Scotland
with shovels and grit
tight to the clock
their wives in bed
making light of it.
<Deleted User> (13762)
Thu 9th Feb 2017 16:32
Satisfied my reservations Ray? How could I not be with that lovely reply? ? Hope life settles into a quieter groove for you. Your poem, like the fiery footplate, certainly got us steamed up and sparked our imaginations. Those few small chinks in the narrative allowed through just enough light to bring out some differing interpretations - which I think was a good thing, even if unintentional. All the best to you. Colin.