I was to write of love, of affection, of my other half. I was to write many words, all in the name of love, capturing her beauty in and out, telling tales of how she was but an arrow in the wind that pierced my heart and forever took hold of me.
I was to write...but with the day's end, and darkening of the sky, I choose to write of hope. For the day brought us despair, misery, suffering, anguish, pain, agony, fear...uncertainty. Nevertheless, I tell you dear reader...there is hope. Hope that things will get better...hope that what was lost will be found again, hope that what was lost will grow again, hope that what has transpired thus far...will come to an end.
That which we hope for...it's very essence...it's substance...will bring about a victory sweeter than any nectar. One day we shall revisit this time...and remember...though we stumbled, though we fell, though we were trampled on, though the way forward seemed covered by a raging tempest, Hope prevailed…
Seth Trenton
Mon 20th Feb 2017 20:37
Dedicated to the love of my life, who asked me to write her something for Valentine's day