The Art of Cheating
We sit across from each other
People think he's my brother
He'll hold my hand discretely
Where no-one's able to see
At the back of a warm cafe
On a beautiful, warm sunny day
In the art gallery of all places
Filled with unfamiliar faces
No-one knows us up here
No-one we know will appear
We sit and talk for hours
Yet time is still never ours
As we talk we steal little glances
Ones where your heart dances
As you look at the art of creation
The only art for your imagination
No need for paintings on the wall
Why? when here you have it all
Delicate soft curves and textures
Expertly blended colour mixtures
Gentle bumps on the canvas surface
Where shadows have their purpose
A well struck balance of spaces
Filled by delicate little traces
Of the scars of a life already lived
The sorrow and joy is clearly listed
What use is a still lifeless sculpture
When you have a moving culture
Of cells and thoughts and spirit
Of love and everything with it
Of a person who is not explicit
One who is so subtle and clean
Like someone you've never seen
So gentle and caring
And ultimately daring
As he braves the obstacles
That places us in shackles
I'm sure that we're cheating
As sure as my heart's beating
We're cheating on the art
Because it doesn't have heart.
<Deleted User> (13762)
Thu 6th Apr 2017 17:09
I love the idea of using an art gallery cafe as a place for a liaison where the art is of secondary importance - perhaps a snub to the egos of some of the artists or a celebration to others. The layout of this poem is attractive - the ten line central verse almost verges on a description of a piece of performance art which in itself adds an interesting dimension to the whole piece.