Cold Coffee (Reworked)
She sits at the kitchen table,
aimlessly stirring a lukewarm coffee cup,
her thoughts a thousand miles away.
Shading her eyes
against the sun’s glare,
as she gazes at the cobalt sea.
The figure running up the beach casts a shadow,
a spectre that evokes visions
of the distant kitchen table.
As he sprawls beside her,
she becomes conscious
that she hates cold coffee.
Trevor Alexander
Tue 4th Apr 2017 23:51
Yes, I might remove the 'cup'. It's sort of an orphan from the previous version which is also on this site (link below). Like many of my poems, it's never 'finished'. I return from time to time and tinker with them. And I guess my mood at the time has an effect on that.
Thanks for reading, and for your input.