The sound of settling masonry
Dead watershot walls sink into the green and brown land turned spongy by ice and winter rain.
Mortar crumbles, speckling the peaty podsol.
Soil conjoined with tree roots hidden for millennia
Sometimes is revealed by strong Pennine winds exerting force.
Loosened stones occasionally fall to earth
startling the sheltering sheep folded in the ruin.
Shiny quartz pebbles that once deflected masons tools
sparkle amid rotten grey gritstone.
Some small enough to line a Grouse’s crop
Walkers pause at the dark forbidding ruin
breaking for snap, bait, sarnie or a swig of tea.
Seeking out thack-stones that were once the roof to use as an impromptu seat or backrest to break the trek and refresh the soul.
Ghosts remain unseen but sometimes heard trapped in the wind
Stu Buck
Sun 21st May 2017 21:29
i like this a lot. i was reading some Louis MacNeice earlier and this is quite reminiscent in the colour and shape of the landscape/language. very enjoyable.