'Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey'!
Thanks, Colin Hill, for prompting this one in me!
I'm not that politically driven but it just jumped out at me, given the forthcoming election.
'Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey'
- mnemonic for screwing up nuts, bolts and screws, you see?
Also applied to political policy.
Here, let me try to explain.
‘Righty-tighty’ acts all ‘high and mighty’.
Cutting our services; “Don’t give a shite-y”!
And all in the name of ongoing austerity.
- Tories are tight with the ‘tin’!
‘Lefty-loosey’, a ‘common-man's fantasy!
Promising funding: a taxing and spending spree!
Bugger the consequence, whatever it may be.
- Labour thinks, that’s how to win.
Turn right or turn left? Well, it’s all such a mystery.
None of them’s really got such a good history.
Traditionally they just sit back; take the ‘piss' ( to me !).
Once we have voted them in!
<Deleted User> (13762)
Sun 4th Jun 2017 08:32
I'm honoured John. I only know this little saying because my teenage boy once uttered it as I struggled to remove the nuts on a car wheel after a puncture. His sarcastic comment was his way of telling me that I was tightening them instead of loosening them. And there was me blaming the substandard and poorly manufactured wheel brace. I won't forget Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey in a hurry!