The estate was built
in nineteen thirty eight
my mother there since nineteen forty one.
My mother came out
for the very last time
my mother came out
through the familiar gate
the one that clicked at
my father's arrival every day
before he finally went on his way..
The black car strangely incongruous
patiently waited in its own shadow
while curious neighbours
stood silently by
as the weight of settled time
passed close by.
She knew them all
their ups and downs,
their subsequent fates
hung on her neck like trophies.
I blessed my time there
thinking of the skip
that would soon come to visit
to fill with tears
for the passing years.
Mon 19th Jun 2017 15:21
Thanks one and all for your valued comments. I wanted to get a sense of compression into this, and desolation that happens when you take the pearl out of its shell.
I won't comment individually this time, but all your views make a big difference (thanks to this great site).
I enjoyed editing the photo taken at the time . Mum died in November, but the daffs are out in March, rather poignant.
Love to all youse for all your views.