The birdman has news
fresh spirals of air sweep through his thoughts
his declination to fresh pastures set
black fluttering crowds
follow his name
decisive in supported flux.
The news travels fast
what is left behind is stored
in subtle energy, collectively
and what beauty follows!
swifts and swallows
fanning out like a courtier's cloak.
The pitch may vary
of winged thought
from stern to bow
through sky's watery dream
to follow the curve of the earth
the birdman hears the news
his blind cabin is set firm,
night creatures begin to stir
with palp and prey.
Thu 15th Jun 2017 21:44
Thanks so much Tom Martin Colin Stu and Suki for all your appreciation. I thought I would try something a bit mysterious this time. The idea of a man/bird came to me, then I took it from there. I used swifts and swallows mainly for the alliteration. Again the stern to bow was the formation front and back .
Love to all. Ray