Going Backwards in Time
- him: 'Central to this objection is your reaction...'
- her: ' A bit of ''Leninist stick bending'' that moves it to Its required point!
a bit of Leninist stick bending that moves it to the point!
- is listening to ''Bring me the head of Philip K Dick'' again...
- on a just cleaned black wooden floor. What was that with the light? ahh yes clean windows. she had gone and got herself a window cleaner.
- She sat at the far end of her high ceilinged room. I sat on her prefered chair. We stared at each other. Her hundreds of books were piled up. I rise from my seat and push the sodden bill in her direction: ''Your shout'' I head towards the toilets.
- she pours water over her mouth and spits out more food in the direction of her cupped hands, her wet with sweat hangs over her swollen lips
- I chew the corner of the menu to stifle my guffaws
- tears of mirth fill my eys while watching her convulse and regurgitate green over the legs of a startled 'object of desire'
- ...while her attention 'flickers' from lady-boy waiter to lady-boy waiter I surreptitiously douse her sag-aloo with chili oil....ha!...she has interests in too many men for me to feel comfortable tearing naan while watching whom she is watching....after nearly 2 weeks of 'phone-calls and texts I'm at long-last still on the same bundle... trying to get TISCALI to change me to a cheaper 'bundle': DAY TWO!
- listening to Ben Webster ('something else') and drinking vodka and Lucocide