The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


(Now that the antibiotics are begining to fail, this might be a good time

again for this little `warner` which was written as an answer to a poem

by Liverpool Scene poet Sid  Hoddes who wrote a funny poem called

(I think) `The promiscuity Calypso`...which played entertainingly on the 

way he ended the word promiscuity.)




(Promiscuity, promiscuity

It isn`t a sin or a vice

So just make your choice

And enjoy your joys

Everybody be promiscu-ois)




Johnny Holiday

In the bath one day

Was giving his body a slush

When he looked down with joy

And said `I`m a boy!

And I`m going to be promiscu – ush.




So he quickly dressed

In his very best

And hurried to Liverpool eight

Where he met a cute

Little prostitute

And had  him a time that was great.




Now His missus Pearl

A quite saucy girl

Was feeling all moody and blue

So she went to bed

With their neighbour Fred

And they were promiscuous too.




Promiscuity, promiscuity

It isn`t a sin or a vice

They went on a spree

Now they`ve got V.D.

All because they were promiscu-ice.




Now they go all three

To the infirmary

Looking decidedly grey

They thought love was fab

Now they get their jab

Penicillin in oil twice a day.




So the lesson dear

Is so very clear

If you want to be promiscu -iss

Just enjoy your joys

And then take your choice

Gonnorhea…or syphilis.



All together now – loudly

Ghonnoreah…or sy-y-y-philis




(Sid`s `poem` was sung to a tune...but I`m useless with music)



◄ a sin against the spirit

Why has everyone gone quiet? ►


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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 2nd Sep 2017 16:35

Being ugly confined my promiscuity to the hands of SS (safe sex) Madam Wrist

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Harry O'Neill

Fri 1st Sep 2017 23:11

An (as usual now) belated thanks to all.

if I ever get the patience to crack the music thing (some
hope!)...I`ll tack the (remembered) tune on to this.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 29th Aug 2017 17:05

I enjoyed singing along with "da best respect" - great fun.
"But, sadly, amour is no longer erotic
When danced to the tune of some antibiotic!"

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John Coopey

Mon 28th Aug 2017 22:42

Top hole, Harry. This is what poetry is about - lifting the spirit.
A trip to the clinic your grin would erase
As off from your face it would wipe
When you saw that great needle filled with hot lead
About to go into your pipe.

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Mon 28th Aug 2017 21:09

HI Harry, I hope that you are not ailing re the antibiotics my friend. This ditty/poem cheered me up - sexual matters should if possible never be delivered straight but with a mixer as in this case. A nice risqué offering and an obvious calypso feel. The expert on these was Lance Percival with his guitar - regular performer on TWTWThat Was. (1962/3). Clever idea with the rhyming and who better than a Liverpudlian to come up with it.

Felicitations !

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