And now I find
That once again I must return
To the company of those I know
Where I must shave and crave
The indulgence of those
That perhaps I would rather not
For I have found the rest
For weary limb and soul
That has lifted my constitution
To the slack and lazy unrehearsed violins
Unpractised in their solicitude
Of other’s finer points
The kissing of cheeks
Social nicety brevity
And general chit chat
There had been just me and you
Locked in our own
And nobody else’s company
Where for those few days we have breathed the air of freedom
Not shackled by demand
Expectation or any other charms
A place where we have remained
At one with the sea, the wind
The waves and the air
But most of all with each other
Andy N
Wed 4th Oct 2017 12:37
love the ending here but great piece all around.