the Oyster Dreamers
A good friend of mine, Winston Plowes, has suggested a good cure for my addiction to rhyme. I have taken two lines from hannah collins's poem The Bound Bird (thanks Hannah!) and used each woed as the last line of my new poem. It is fun to try and helps unleash the imagination (or release the bound bird?!) without restrictions of rhyme. See what you think. M x
Put pearls of amethyst beneath her quivering wings
And diamond traces underneath her fragile feet. – The Bound Bird by Hannah Collins
The Oyster Dreamers
They came at night, the fearful, and put
Wishes and hopes sealed in shells with Pearls
Upon the golden strand, amongst waves of
Silver surf with depths of purest Amethyst
Sparkling and glistening deep beneath
The shining crown. The sea came with her
Greedy fingers, sifting and Quivering
Through the sand, and with her wings
Prising and splintering the shells and
Taking out the hopes and dreams. Diamond
Sparkles dragged away with the tide, few traces
Left, but empty shells, wedged underneath
The rocks and pools beside the beach. Her
Swelling joy and bubbling delight became a fragile
Mix of fears, joy and deadly loss left at our feet.
<Deleted User> (18118)
Fri 3rd Nov 2017 17:46
This is beautiful, it needs to be read out loud.
Great use of language and description which is what I like to read and write.