After I Was Gone
What else could I do?
Nobody cared anyway.
I tried to speak up,
I tried to tell my story.
The thing is,
Nobody wanted to hear it
Until I wasn't there to tell it.
They'll wonder why I didn't tell anyone,
Why I didn't get help.
I tried to, but they didn't listen.
They were sorry.
They felt bad,
And they realize that they saw the signs.
They saw them,
But they didn't know it until I wasn't there to tell them.
They wanted me to talk to them
Only after I was gone.
They blamed me for not talking to anyone,
Because they were always there for me.
The thing is,
They didn't want to hear it
Until after I was gone.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Mon 6th Nov 2017 19:19
Hard-hitting and only too accurate in many situations. Very well expressed with sincerity and style. An interesting viewpoint, speaking after the fact, whether by death or some kind of hospitalization.