WOLOP S for October
No clear winners this month. 14 people voted, but no-one agreed. I enclose a list of all the poems selected. I guess we could give it to Gus since two of his poems made the list. Thanks to all who voted. If you didn't vote this month but would like to get involved, all you have to do is keep a note of poems you enjoyed in the current month's blogs and email me with your favourite by 6th of the following month. My email address is farmoorgirl@yahoo.co.uk x
Peter Crompton Writing I Love You in Slow Motion
Graham Sherwood The Departure
Deborah Jordan Of the Earth
Marianne Daniels Lessons in Loss
Rachel Bond Cradle
Cynthia Buell-Thomas 6.15 on a Rainy Evening
John Darwin Melt (for its deft and understated handling of
erotica with a palpably chilling ending)
Nicky Burrows Crisis in the Skies
Che/Brass Then Came Sadness From Beauty
Gemma Lees Keep Talking
Steve Regan A Brassiere? In Grosvenor St?
Michael Shepherd A measured nature: Japanese Mind
Gus Jonsson Shirley and the Virgin
Gus Jonsson Shirley’s Bedroom
Second Choices
A few people couldn’t resist giving me more than one choice ��" I’ve listed them here since they don’t affect any results
Augusta Darling One night Stanza
Jessie Aneurysm
Ralph Dartford The Loveless (for its evocative and imaginatively
atmospheric portrayal of
soured love)
Gus it is then.
Shirley's Bedroom
Thousands of tiny silver stars and crescent moons streamed from a radiant golden sun
warming ambient against a backdrop of the deepest blue ceiling.
Each tiny star placed, where it best advantaged this heavenly collage.
After a few moments, curiosity getting the better of me,
I sat up.
In the soft grainy light,
strange ornate patterns were discernable
woven blue and gold into the fabric of the heavy curtains.
Not surprisingly,
a celestial theme had been used,
motifs and symbols of the zodiac,
golden scorpions,
fish, crab and rampant lion.
Against the far wall stood a ornate mirrored wardrobe,
carved entangled flowers,
scaly griffins with twisting tails and angry gaping mouths.
Reflected from the wardrobe's mirror I could make out gilded framed paintings pale female nudes
languishing on a plump silken beds bedecked by bright exotic flowers.
Two bronze Amazonian sisters knelt submissively in the far corners of the room each one holding aloft bulbous heads of lotus.
A dressing table,
covered by an untidy array of perfume bottles,
and faded photographs framed in silver.
The bed was covered by silk throw - over’s,
the head and foot meticulously carved.
Entwined angel and cherubim,
bejewelled by exquisite ivory and brass inlays,
danced for a company of writhing satiric beasts
their liquescent movement undulating on my every breath.
Within the shadows,
placed beyond the foot of the bed were several small trunks and boxes
upon which were placed old gilt-edged books bound in leather,
round bound
scrolls of yellowing manuscripts
tied with ribbon.
Sinking into the layers of soft feathery down, sleep came dancing up around me like a gentle incoming tide.
Rachel Bond
Mon 9th Nov 2009 18:42
Well done gus, a definate winner.
I love this description...could really feel the scene.
Thanks to my nominator!