'My Song of God' by Ewan Thomas Holt, Age 11
I think God is a regular person
who is anything
and everything
and nothing
at the same time.
I think 'heaven' is a thing
a place and an idea.
There is no proof.
You can't touch it
see it or hear it.
But dead things may find life again
in a separate world.
I like amazing things:
giant waterfalls and volcanoes
tiny red spiders and seeds
and my family.
Most of all
I think
when you talk to God
and you listen
to the things you need to hear
it is really yourself
telling you what to do
to make things better.
Ewan Thomas Holt
Age 11
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Wed 7th Feb 2018 11:10
Thank you all for such warm comments. My own heart nearly cracked with love and amazement realizing both the scope and the depth of his thought at eleven years old. It was the last verse that really 'got me', an exact summation of all metaphysical thinking. And he said, 'You look funny.' Not too surprising; I felt 'funny' to the core of my being.
I'm really glad I decided to share, with his permission, of course. The poem was posted on the classroom bulletin board.
And the old folks pass the chalice to the young, always with hope for greater understanding and finer achievements in 'world peace'. Not a phrase to be sneered at.