(Watching the Winter Olympics on telly has prompted me to re-post this little piece of FF)
It started off as mischief in Landers café in Hucknall in the early 1970’s, until the Gods of Comedy got hold of it. We christened it “Push-the-Pepperpot”.
The idea was to slide the pepperpot across the table so that it stopped exactly over-hanging the other side. The winner was the first to 3 (or 5).
It might conceivably have interested Fred Trueman for his pub sports programme, alongside darts, bar billiards and arm wrestling.
We never suspected the Gods would add a yardbrush and an ice rink, and elevate it to an Olympic sport.
John Coopey
Sun 11th Feb 2018 00:34
Thanks Ray. You’re right. It’s a bit more expensive than funding a football and kicking it between some coats-for-goalposts.