The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

RIP Harry

It is with sadness that the family of Harry O'Neill announce that he passed away peacefully on 1st February 2018 aged 89 years.

Harry really enjoyed being a part of the Write Out Loud community and it became a big focus for him in the last few years. He was so enthusiastic about the possibilities the online poetry community offered. He looked forward to reading the work of others and he really valued the comments his poems received from his fellow poets. Thank you for the pleasure your community gave him.

Funeral arrangements as follows:

9.30am Monday 12th February 2018

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

Walton Vale

Liverpool  L9 2DG


Fellow poets welcome!

◄ J'accuse...!

RIP Harry ►


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Graham Sherwood

Sun 11th Feb 2018 09:54

This is indeed very sad news. Peculiarly, i was only thinking that Harry had been awol on WOL for a time and half suspected it was his health that had forced him off the blog.

I never met him, but like so many of here felt I knew him as a gentleman and positive force for good poetry always with a considered comment here and there.

Rip Harry (I hope you were right all along) from a man happy to call you a friend.


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suki spangles

Sat 10th Feb 2018 22:43

Rest in peace. Condolences to his family.



Sat 10th Feb 2018 20:41

I am so sorry to hear this news, please accept my condolences.

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Stu Buck

Sat 10th Feb 2018 20:21

terribly sad news. harry was an excellent wordsmith and always came across as a genuine and warm person. i will miss his poetry and his kind and constructive approach to other peoples work.

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Sat 10th Feb 2018 20:09

Harry's writing was always a pleasure to read, showing an agile and inventive and indeed a young mind. Very sad news. I am sure there will be many who will raise a toast to a lovely man.


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