The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

She Put the \\'Tog\\' in Together


She put the ‘Tog’ into Together.


Try to put a duvet in its cover,

The duvet almost always wants a fight.

Wriggles like a most reluctant lover,

No foreplay? Want a struggle? O.K. Right!

To tame a twisting togster in its lair,

Takes time and trouble, and a good technique.

Of all domestic tasks you ought to share,

It’s dancing with a duvet, cheek to cheek.

So, Dad, when you complain about your life,

Since mother packed her bags and chose to leave.

Of all the things you miss about your wife,

You could have picked on something else to grieve.


Your wife just left; your children grown and flown,

Yes, it’s hard to stuff a duvet on your own.



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<Deleted User> (7073)

Tue 8th Dec 2009 19:51

I thought this was just some good fun till I got to the subtle twist at the end, But I am guessing you meant it to be that way, Good stuff ;-)

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Mon 7th Dec 2009 19:37

Yes - sometimes it is the straw that breaks the camels back. We all cope with horrendous ordeals but it is the smallest of tasks that can tip the scales and make it all register. Your poem expresses this well.

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 7th Dec 2009 18:06

Very good - what an old clever togs you are!

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