The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Under the Wire

Descending panting from the top
(where god is always in the lower case)
The wind bleached lichen
gives way to greener stuff.
We re-assert a modicum of breathless grace
and skirt the bog (why is such a vastness called a 'mere'?)
much as we skirt the subject
never managing to reach the nub of it.

At the bridge we part
before all our alibis expire.
In your face the rumour of a tear
and I am just a hank of wool
left fluttering on your barbed wire.




◄ Grandmother's Gentleman Caller

She Put the \\'Tog\\' in Together ►


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Mon 7th Feb 2011 13:16

That image just stays with me... the wool, snagged and fluttering from that barbed wire. That brought a volume and intensity to the poem. TFS.

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Chris Dawson

Sun 21st Nov 2010 09:34

Only just found this ... beautiful.

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 1st Nov 2010 07:22

I don't seem to have commented on this one though I remember it. (Must have been doing something on Nov 20th 2009 I guess!) I really love it. Better late than never eh! xx

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Rachel McGladdery

Sun 13th Dec 2009 13:01

Lovely stuff this,it had me laughing , (why is such a vastness called a 'mere') and then seconds later gasping in sadness. I really felt it. I also love the imagery, it had me right up on Beacon Fell. Thanks for the emotional work out.

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Mon 7th Dec 2009 19:03

No - you haven't John. You have to edit the poem and stick WOLOP.nov in the tag bit at the bottom, then press update. Hopefully that will work. Cheers.x

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John Aikman

Mon 7th Dec 2009 16:38

Aaaah, I think I've done it. Many thanks to Admin Paul.

: )


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John Aikman

Mon 7th Dec 2009 16:01

I'd love to tag it...but I don't know how...being a fusty old fuddy duddy 'n all. What does it entail?

: )


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Mon 7th Dec 2009 15:18

John, darling. if I may use that word - tee hee - could you please tag this poem with WOLOP.nov so that people may read it as part of a group. It was nominated as a favourite poem in the informal competition that I run. Thanks.

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Thu 26th Nov 2009 15:40

thank you for something good.

<Deleted User> (7073)

Wed 25th Nov 2009 10:19

Read this a couple of times before the penny fully dropped ;-) It is a subtle poem. I wonder how many of us have crossed that bridge at some point ??.
May the orange primate store this one well ;-) .

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Anthony Emmerson

Sat 21st Nov 2009 19:12

Hi John.

Thoroughly enjoyed and admired this. Carefully observed and skilfully expressed. " Larkinish," - and I hope you'll take that as a compliment.Regards,A.E.

<Deleted User> (5011)

Sat 21st Nov 2009 18:19

Wonderful piece, John. Memories of expiring alibis, and god-endowed climbs and descents, lend a true poignancy to it for me.

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jane wilcock

Sat 21st Nov 2009 18:07

great, I enjoyed this. Jane

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winston plowes

Sat 21st Nov 2009 01:33

Hi again John.. on reflecition, better then Nicely put. Really liked this one, gets better on every reading for me. winston

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Dave Bradley

Fri 20th Nov 2009 19:23

Beautifully understated - I like the way it leaves the reader to fill in the gaps and fill out the pictures, giving us just enough to go on.

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John Darwin

Fri 20th Nov 2009 15:37

That's poetry. Lovely stuuf!


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winston plowes

Fri 20th Nov 2009 15:25

Nicely put John. Winston

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