The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:16 am

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One Light. I love art and 'theatre'. I am Single, do not have a website, and write variously depending on audience/purpose; but always sober and some may say a little 'dark'. I write truthfully. Mainly of Life and therefore social themes are often occuring. I was born in Hammersmith, London, England.


FOR FIDELITY I sit alone you do not sit with me i sit alone i do not want your company i sit alone. i stand alone you do not stand with me i stand alone you do not stand beside me i stand alone. do not stand behind me do not stand before do not stand do not sit do not walk do not be beside me. what ever I do I do alone because the one I want to sit, to stand , to walk to be with me is not here and if I should die I'd rather die alone than to have you when I cannot have her beside me. i love you Fidelity..

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (7073)

Tue 8th Nov 2011 15:56

You have retrieved me from suspended animation....
tax reasons you see, I have to spend a certain time dead.... now you have awakened the beast you
must suffer the consequences of my poetry ha ha...
now where was I .... Oh yes ,The dank and drear... forsook thine rampasitodius flotulating mmmm...
Hope you are well Lady Lucan ;-) XXXX

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Joshua Van-Cook

Thu 8th Apr 2010 23:40

Absolutely, although there are definite answers for that particular conundrum depending on whether you believe in one of the the conventional monotheistic creeds or not. If you do then it's the chicken, if you don't, then it's the egg. :)

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Tue 6th Apr 2010 17:15

Loved the Fidelety poem...

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Joshua Van-Cook

Tue 6th Apr 2010 13:41

As regards your comment on 'English Stoicism', I believe it is the people that define the land more than the land defines the people. I could be wrong but that's my perspective on it, I mean, it's arguable that we try to attribute meaning to things that really have none and have thusly turned to all types of beliefs in order to justify those meanings but I don't think that a giant lump of rock really affects the overall character of its inhabitants.

<Deleted User> (7073)

Mon 5th Apr 2010 09:05

German Philospher, I think, therefore I am ;-)

<Deleted User> (6510)

Sun 4th Apr 2010 22:57

hi there , thanks for the invite and kind comments , I have something on around that time but I thank you a lot for taking the time to invite me , maybe sometime I will be able to attend one of your events and contribute somehow.

<Deleted User> (7073)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 09:22

Thank you for your comments on various things much appreciated ;-) Went to see Bad Company last night at MEN Arena they were brilliant !!! As for marrying you ha ha I probably already did a few times ;-)) heh heh
luv TC XX

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 06:35

Thank you for reading Lemon Pips. Yeah, I don't think she's mad, just a little eccentric and doesn't expect too much from the world. A gentle soul!

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Fri 2nd Apr 2010 22:50

Thank you Beulah for reading and commenting so nicely on
my poem 'Alone'...
I am glad it made you smile... I think we can all relate to it ; )

Francine x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 14:55

Hi Beulah,hope you are keeping well-thanks for comment,non-critical,or critical.Either is welcome and neccessary of course! on 'Becoming Bonaparte' thank you-my best regards.Stefan-x

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John Coopey

Wed 31st Mar 2010 14:04

Many thanks for commenting on "Greavsie and Me". I think that's what they call "Damning with faint praise"! Anyway, better that you commented than not at all.
I took the opportunity to look at your page and enjoyed your entries but was surprised that your poetry has such a theme of sadness in it. Judging by your picture you seem too young to court sadness.
Keep posting.

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Cate Greenlees

Tue 2nd Mar 2010 17:29

Hi Beula, thanks for taking the time to comment on If I Could. I was trying to make the point that everyone has the right to make their own choices in life whether they be right or wrong. Its so easy to try to protect those you love, but in the end you cant live their lives for them.
Cate xx

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 2nd Mar 2010 09:22

Huge thanks, Beulah, for your enthusiasm and very kind comments. Yes, it's asemic verse -- fun to choose the individual faces in a crowd and then avoid them! And I love your poems. Powerful, song-like, sinuous!

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Tue 2nd Mar 2010 00:58

Thank you Beulah for your interesting comments on our poem 'Unstoppable'... Isobel and I had so much fun with this one : )

Francine x

p.s. I am looking forward to summer too ; )

<Deleted User> (7073)

Thu 25th Feb 2010 13:14

I see you, I see all, maybe not always in the right way, but I am awakened and I see.It is good to discuss Philospohy albeit in an abbrieviated manner.Have a really nice day ;-)TC XX

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Thu 25th Feb 2010 12:31

It was meant to reflect mature, coy agreement (non biographical of course!). Thanks for commenting. I'm glad it wasn't too obvious or too sugary sweet cos that wouldn't reflect real life - I think we both agree on that one. x

<Deleted User> (7164)

Thu 25th Feb 2010 11:31

Hi Beulah, thanks for your comment on my poem There to Here.
I'm unsure what you mean by ''please finish this one''. :-)

The ending of the poem is supposed to reflect a little bit of natural doubt that his needs are truly met. Sorry if that's not clear, it kinda makes sense to me. :-)


<Deleted User> (7073)

Thu 25th Feb 2010 08:22

Hello Beulah ;-) It is an interesting theory that you propose re...L D, and taken within the context of the 'Grand Illusion', I would like to think it was possible.
;-)Luv TC XXPS Don't listen to Cate it,s perfectly good for me ha ha.....

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Cate Greenlees

Sun 21st Feb 2010 16:03

Hi Beulah, thanks for your recent comment on Lets Hear It... its one I would def agree with! As for the nose cutting thing, its an old joke with bro n me, he once did it by accident when playing a joke on me and Ive never let him forget it. Couldnt let him revel in all that admiration for too long, not good for his constitution!!!!
Cate xx

<Deleted User> (7073)

Fri 19th Feb 2010 08:31

Thank you for the Poem, I was touched by your sentiment ;-) You are kind, you asked about my real life (whatever that is alleged to be in this crazy world we appear to exsist in ...)It is a live Samurai Sword, fully work folded blade and extreemely lethal, it is at your service ha ha ;-)Luv TC XX

<Deleted User> (7073)

Tue 16th Feb 2010 22:06

Hi Beulah, I would like to join but I am not very good at joining things, I dropped out of face book a while ago after I found my details published on Google as a result. Thank you for your kind blog though ;-))luv TC XX

<Deleted User> (7073)

Tue 19th Jan 2010 12:41

I tried to look on that site it wouldn't let me, maybe my browser. I avoid face book twitter and such like, since I found my picture along with my name published fairly high on the Google search engine, I like to try and hang on to some degree probably of illusive anonminity. As for my Sword', ha ha..... it truly is a Prince amongst lesser ones...;-))Luv TC XX

<Deleted User> (7164)

Tue 19th Jan 2010 09:50

Hi Beulah, just want to say thanks for your comment on my poem, numb dumb belle.


steve mellor

Sun 17th Jan 2010 19:52

Hello Beulah
Just to thank you for taking the time to read and comment on Handle with Care. Very much appreciated

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Dave Morgan

Sat 16th Jan 2010 21:30

Beulah, thank you for your thoughtful comments, and thereby leading me to your own work.I suppose I hide my real feelings, whatever they might be I'm not too sure, behind smart arse reportage. I admire people like yourself who can speak from the heart.

<Deleted User> (7073)

Sat 16th Jan 2010 17:22

Thanks for your amusing comments ;-on RHRH ha ha, I was thinking of 'white hot' maybe I should have put it in there..... (just did thanks);-))I haven't seen that documentry thank goodness lolLuv TC XX

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Wed 6th Jan 2010 11:23

Hi Beulah, thank you : ) I like your work but need to read more, very intruiging and intelligently written. HAppy New Year, Debz xx

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Fri 27th Nov 2009 07:28

Hi Beulah,

thank you for taking the time to read and make comment on my poem

steve x

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John Aikman

Thu 26th Nov 2009 19:19

Thank you for your kind comment on my work. 'Artist Supporting Artist'!

: )


<Deleted User> (6576)

Thu 26th Nov 2009 18:22

thank you for your comments

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