A Cameo of Years Past
A Cameo of Years Past
A clotheshorse about the fireplace
A pipe rack with father´s meerschaums on the hearth
A napoleon clock ticked the hours away
flanked by two brass candlesticks
The odour of damp clothes drying in a fiery light
Wellington boots by the kitchen door
The pantry long before the refrigerators arrived
with large earthenware jars full of pickled onions
A worn lampshade with ragged tassles
creating oddly ghost like shadows about the room
A table set for tea
A plate of buttered bread
A jar of strawberry jam and crockery
which did not match
Wall paper in need of being replaced
My brother sat on a rug with his toy soldiers
A miniature fort with keep, drawbridge and moat
Two gaberdine coats hanging from the door
A room in a time for us all
No photographs exist of this normality
only a vivid picture forever impressed in my mind
keith jeffries
Fri 4th May 2018 22:27
Thank you indeed for this kind comment. I have a great sense of nostalgia and an abiding love for the earlier part of my life. I am also blessed with an excellent memory which is a tremendous resource for recalling the past.