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At the tiny garden centre

a Ford Ranger pulled in,

window went down,

husband as controlled as a fist,

sullen, white T shirt

stayed in the car. 

Wife, blowsy, voluptuous

exhuding brute sexuality

got out. 


Two identikit boys followed:

slightly tubby, cropped hair,

white shirts and ties. 

Probably come from church,

such is their custom on a Sunday.

"Where are we? asked one. 


"Mummy wants to buy flowers or something."


The kids wandered close by

pointing at tractor tracks,

described small circles near the ornaments. 


She seemed incongruous, ill at ease

in the Surrey Hills,

amongst the trestles full of plants,

ignoring the teashop where

others more worthy perched. 


She made no purchases;

when I came out they'd clean disappeared. 





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Sun 3rd Jun 2018 14:55

Thanks so much Martin - i'm hot on your heels having a break from the sun! Much pleased that you like my little feature. I was thinking about the event and how unhappy they seemed. Still, what is happiness to be on guard constantly?.


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Martin Elder

Sun 3rd Jun 2018 14:43

This is a beautiful little slice of life you have posted here. I really love these observations of everyday life.
Nice one

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Sat 2nd Jun 2018 21:12

Thanks Keith for your views on the poem. I chiefly wanted to highlight the rather insular nature of the types I mentioned, who for one reason or another put out an aggressive attitude, thus isolating them from the general sense of community. It is easy to sense this.
In the case of Spain, you are perhaps fortunate that the community is a true sharing one without harsh lines drawn. The matter of class is of course another divider, although the old divisions are tending to give way under the definitions of new money and the servility towards it that has somewhat replaced the old idolatries. It is hard to imagine the British (old style) giving much quarter when it comes to the European egalitarian ideal. An island nation has many lessons to learn (or not) according to attitudes.

An almost tit for tat similarity Col! I think there are instances where blue badges are given for ailments that do not affect walking, eg deafness (one person I knew). I am not an expert, but my wife has one for rheumatoid arthritis; when our volvo broke down, she needed some hastily borrowed steps to get into the RAC towtruck! This whole episode is now reminding me of Spielberg's DUEL. (re the offending pickup). I'm sure you're familiar with his excellent first film with Dennis Weaver.

Thanks Brian and Anya for adding the salt and pepper!

Best , Ray

<Deleted User> (13762)

Fri 1st Jun 2018 08:45

in my local Tesco car park I sometimes see a massive bright red Dodge Ram pick up badly parked in the disabled bays. I've never seen the occupants but always wonder how they got their blue badge when it would take a certain amount of agility to get in and out of the cab. There's something incongruous about its presence too. I wonder if they made any purchases? Col.

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keith jeffries

Thu 31st May 2018 21:48

Hello Ray,
Thank you this poem of keen observation. Appearances and situations often put people ill at ease, especially when the two seem to be in such contrast. It is a realisation that there is something incompatible leading to embarassment. I think this is perhaps more apparent in a society where there is still a class divide. I could not imagine such an event happening here in Spain where appearances are often unnoticed and people feel comfortable to go where they please. You have made me think. Thank you again.

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