Education 'Wild West'
When did learning become a contest
Schools become a fighting ground
Where those that don't fit in
Are no longer to be found?
Excluded and forgotten children
Left in their bedroom corner curled
Tired and frightened and angry
In our ever more competitive world.
Our sense of 'moral accountability'
Has been thrown out with the bath water
Tossed into another huge ocean
Where our young lie amid the slaughter.
A game of cowboys and indians
Has gone awry, from child's play
To a needless gunfight
Where the system has its way,
and individuals are invisible.
Once kicked out of this rigid maze
where we are told we should stay,
be obedient and avert our gaze.
Learning is fine and grand
It is something we do without thinking
It comes naturally to all
So why does it feel like we are sinking?
Inspired by the following article:
Jon Stainsby
Mon 30th Jul 2018 16:08
Thank you, Rose ❤