Pillar box red - Pillar box dead
An off the public school cuff remark
Meant “in jest”
at “Johnny foreigner” to him and the rest
led to her beating
led to her death
Pillar box red
Pillar box dead
He writing aloof in the Toffs Telegraph
High above us all
Trickled down to the street below
Pillar box red
Pillar box dead
It’s ok to hate
And now ridicule
And now persecute
Taking down the veil
For hatred to be revealed
To kill and maim
People different
Including, eventually you
M.C. Newberry
Sun 12th Aug 2018 16:13
How interesting - and ironic in this context - that the Oxford
English Dictionary tells us that the word burke means to avoid or stifle (inquiry, discussion, rumour etc.) - and also a
person who smothered victims!