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Let The Tide Decide

On some night-time road
with only the distant moon
or your dimming torch 
meting its weak light out

Do not be afraid of getting lost
some new thing 
may come to you there 
on the path that you can't see
some great thing may surprise you

On that long journey 
towards day's promised ending
without a real map 
to study or call upon

Do not be afraid of being wrong
take a chance 
and see what comes
sometimes you'll be right
and others you'll start again

Free yourself 
to be wrong 
you will find new capabilities

Be free
to get lost 
you may discover treasures there

Let the tides
of your mind decide
it's alright
to be wrong

Be free
be free to get lost
let the tide decide...


(May 2018)


getting lostfinding thingssurpriseslife

◄ Restless (Sequel)

The House Looks Like A Painting ►


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jennifer Malden

Wed 15th Aug 2018 20:31

great writing. Sometimes we should follow our instinct, or th 'tide' Really enjoyable

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Taylor Crowshaw

Wed 15th Aug 2018 17:52


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Don Matthews

Wed 15th Aug 2018 15:22

Ah Tom, you echo everything I believe in. Don't be afraid to get lost. Don't be afraid to be wrong. You never know what's around the corner. As Big Sal says, when one door closes another one opens up ?

Big Sal

Wed 15th Aug 2018 14:41

When you close one door, another one opens up. Good piece here.?

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