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Poetry In Motion

Gather them all together
pack those verses tight
place them in the boxes
make sure they're labelled right

For poetry in motion
can have meanings more than one
we've lived here seven years and more
but soon we'll be moving on

So many things to sort through
the trappings of our lives
odd tools there in that drawer
including pocket knives

All of them have meanings
that others cannot see
and may yet find themselves featured
in a new work of poetry

As often I have started
to pen a line or so
just because some random sight
got my thinking on the go

Now I've hundreds of these scribbles
on so many different themes
perhaps the most common stimuli
are those I get from dreams

But stop me for a natter
and pretty soon I'm sure
to have another notion,
some ideas to explore

So while I seem to ramble
as we are exchanging news
tucked away inside my head
my virtual pen's still scribbling views

And if I'm very lucky
those lines I may recall
Though often I've regretted
I couldnt recapture all

So many lines were wasted
on paper that grew mould
tucked away in a loft
far too damp and cold

Others simply vapourised
while still inside my head
none of these will be recalled
I wish I'd printed them instead

For then those words would pop out
from the printer that I keep
every line moving forward
poetry in motion is quite neat.........

January 3rd 2010



◄ 2010 - A Year for Peace & Goodwill?

Roses Are Red ►


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Mon 4th Jan 2010 21:37

This brings back warm memories. I once posted a poem with the exact same title - a very different meaning though.Yes - interesting to read through one's own poetry in chronological order and see the development in it as you pass through time. I too, often regret not scribbling things down - words can so easily be lost - especially if you are in that half sleep/ half woken state. Then there are the scribblings that you realise are total crap once you've deciphered them... Nice one. x

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