Bipolar Mania : An Example Of
Bipolar Mania : An Example Of
Bipolar disorder is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Born with it, no cure. Medications help to balance. Bipolars cycle between mania and depression.
Treatment involves a period in hospital and testing of a suitable drug regime.
Fortunately I don't suffer from depression. I need to medicate for mania to keep the fine balance between creativity and 'controlled mania' which often comes out in my writing. I don't look at what I have as an illness. I look at it as a blessing in disguise. It makes me unique and interesting. I wouldn't want it any other way.
The general community have little understanding of this illness. A recent NHS survey in UK identified 2% of the population being screened for bipolar with 60% not receiving appropriate medication or therapy.
My purpose of writing this is for education.
Bipolar mania is one phase
The other is depression
Should you want to find out more
Watch video mania obsession
Rapid speech and racing thoughts
Much of this you'll see
No need for sleep, for sleep will keep
(At one time he was me)
A stay in hospital's required
As this manic man did
To find a drug regime that worked
Which mania, it can rid
Don Matthews August 2018 (bipolar)
Those affected with bipolar disorder include Spike Milligan, Stephen Fry, Virginia Woolf, Vincent Van Gogh, Robin Williams (who committed suicide in a cycle of bipolar depression)
<Deleted User> (18118)
Sun 26th Aug 2018 19:50
I had a friend whose mother had this condition, she would spend masses of money then go into a deep depression.
Very distressing.
You are doing good in raising awareness because as you say, this subject isn't often talked about.