Good Old Plain Porridge
There's nothing like a dish
of good, old, plain porridge
for breakfast -
hot spoonfuls dropping thickly
from pot to bowl
lovingly dressed
with cold, creamy milk
and brown sugar
a dribble of runny honey
and a dollop of real butter
some assorted nuts
handful of raisins
just a sprinkle of shredded coconut
and cinnamon dashed over the top -
all stirred gently together -
like a gift to the gods
with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Aaahhh ....the smell - the texture - the taste
of good, old, plain porridge
for breakfast!
And – tomorrow – hmmmm -
thickly chopped fresh apple
with cardamom … or ginger ….
and maybe sliced dates – or figs!
Or a whipped egg stirred in -
or …... or …... or …...
Oh! I love good, old plain porridge
for breakfast.
If I go to sleep early tonight
morning will come faster.
But I could have it for tea, couldn't I?
There's no law!
Custom can be 'interesting', don't you think?
After all, it's just habit.
Maybe porridge for breakfast, lunch and tea
might be a bit silly – for me -
but I bet lots of people would say 'Hallelujah!'
It's all about relevancy -
The past, the present, and the future.
Well, it's worth a thought
Isn't it?
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Sat 19th Jan 2019 12:29
Jon, I really appreciate your comment. Ultimately, I think, the whole poem was not about 'porridge' at all. It was just a 'vehicle' to consider much wider, very pressing ideas.
IMO, 'habit' is a huge arena for consideration in trying to understand life and people in general, around the entire Earth.
Again, thank you.