Green T shirt
Blue Nike nylon shorts
Shuffling trainers
Laces barely knotted moves along the street
The straw grey threads of hair spread out
From under the baseball cap
Sauntering and dragging
the arched hanging frame of a body
against the low set trolley
neck bent
head slightly stooped
against the staggered scowl that passes for a smile
indistinct in the backdrop
of human life buzzing
in frenzied too’ing and fro’ing
there’s no bodice body fitted tight and hugging curves
no six-pack facial hair
or definition of this forlorn
and scattered soul
the personification of life from Mars or maybe Venus
another stage of devolution
indifferent to all other forms of human existence
assumptions made
and assumptions found by day and by night
about what the eyes see
and the brain declares as intervention
sexless and without form
nothing for a single thought
to cling to
no port to dock in a storm
nothing to distinguish
any gender class or race
homeless or boarded with a cat
no one knows
not easily categorised or attached
just another who seemingly doesn’t fit the mould
in this hierarchical preconceived
piece of little Earth
sectioned partitioned and labelled
by address, name and date of birth
married single, divorced or misplaced
assumed sexless because no known history
of relationship children or copulation exists
this person who is without age sex
and does not conform
to any known peg fitting hole
this person who is blank
of expression needs and demands nothing
except to eat sleep and dress
gives absolutely nothing away
Martin Elder
Fri 31st Aug 2018 21:31
Thanks for liking Ferris
Hi Ray
your comments are always welcome. I guess we can never absolutely know what is in the hearts and minds of individuals which is probably a good thing sometimes but I like to see the edges of what has been seen to be acceptable in the past frayed at the edges at times. I currently work with people who have learning difficulties and or some physical impairment. They can seem different to others particularly if they are in a wheel chair and it is interesting to watch people out on the street and how they act towards the said people I support. now I am rambling and going off at a tangent.
Anyway once again thanks for your comments and thoughts , much appreciated.
I think I ought to get my coat
Cheers mate