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Firefly// Self Harm In a Bottle of Gin

Sinking feeling of dread
Comes over you as the night falls
I don't want to live but I don't want to die
I don't really think it's ever going to get better

I'm consumed by this Melancholy weather
Don't tell me I should live
Because I've heard it all before
April at the age of 15 you were taken too early

It left me begging for death
Don't tell me I should live
Negative lines are tight around my throat
Tightening with every word that enters my mind

So as I ask myself where did all the fireflies go
Don't tell me I should live
Because the kingdom of lights is in ruins
And I can't fix it all up all alone

The Firefly princess please come back
I'm running out of oxygen
I don't want to live but I don't want to die
I really think it would get better if you was here


◄ Words of The Waiting Man 18

We'er Moving ►


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