The House of Usher is up for sale
with a casket of secrets
and a built in tale.
Family histories tainted, unclean
bursting to be told
by those unseen.
The House of Usher increased in price
when it turned its back on Paradise,
with skeletons in cupboards
and other artefacts,
like unspeakable things in sacks.
The trees in the garden, weighed down in sorrow
perk up when the sun is in the hollow,
reminiscent of the valley of death
with a mist that stinks of dragon's breath.
Mournful rooms seem to go on forever,
scornful of the light's endeavour.
Its best kept promises are its most appealing,
held tight where no sight can reach the ceiling.
The House of Usher is up for sale,
but the uninvited should tarry awhile,
considering not just bricks and mortar
but the welcome smile of the Devil's daughter.
Tue 6th Nov 2018 15:21
Cheers Hannah, a bit of fun for the Winter Solstice!