Disrespect Can Lead To Domestic Violence. Stop It Where It Starts
Disrespect Can Lead To Domestic Violence. Stop It Where It Starts
In Australia one woman is murdered each week at the hands of their spouse or ex spouse. The root cause is disrespect. I have included two videos to make my point.
When we excuse disrespect
OK it, and sit on the fence
There's a danger we'll set up a path
A path which could lead down to violence
So be a role model for your child
Show respect, leading them the same way
Then respect will follow them through their lifetime
And violence will be kept well away
Don Matthews November 2018
M.C. Newberry
Sat 3rd Nov 2018 15:36
Some explanation is due to Taylor about my comment that
"it takes two to tango". This was intended in the
context of the title and apparent intent of the poem, not in the sort of tragic medical condition she describes. But
the policeman's advice was in her own best interest - and
was taken, no doubt with all the emotional trauma it must
have involved. I can tell you from my own experience in years of dealing with cases of marital fall-out/assault etc.-
long discussions and well-meant advice were invariably
greeted with non-compliance by the recipient (women in
all cases I refer to) - as if they WANTED to believe they
could redeem their assailant and change his ways. It is
this that modern society tends to ignore when endlessly
entertaining accusations of "neglect" by the forces of law
and order in such cases in the past. The reality was(uncomfortable to admit?) very different.