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The Fireplace

The Fireplace


A hearth with burning embers

steady ticks Napoleon´s clock

A dimned lamp besides me

a decanter of grapes best elixir

Carpet slippers upon a rug so heavy

a comapnion to tend the fire

A compilation of tranquility earned

from labour this surely is deserved

The dogs sleep in close communion

dear friends of home and land

This retreat bedecked of domesticity

far removed from a world of haste

Hidden from view as few can see

beyond trees, shrubs and wisteria

It has grown about me as I too grow

a home so perfect a richness to delight in


◄ A Fading Light

A Welcome Sun ►


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keith jeffries

Wed 14th Nov 2018 17:15

Brian, Jon and Jennifer,

Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated.


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jennifer Malden

Wed 14th Nov 2018 14:52

Paradise!! No Tv blaring away -perhaps a good book to hand? My ideal in summer is a comfortable seat in the shade, with a book and a dog, in winter just as you describe it! Grape juice with both, red in winter and chilled sparkling white in summer! Loved it!


<Deleted User> (18980)

Sat 10th Nov 2018 09:41

I'm dozing off as I read it Keith...and I mean in a good way.

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Jon Stainsby

Sat 10th Nov 2018 08:56


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