This ravaged night
That bleeds us dry
Of all that we love and adore
That tramples the flower
And blisters the soil
That cracks the earth
that withers the harvest of the mind
that snaps the will
and smothers all hope
this dark and choking blanket
with tendrils reaching out
strangling every last vestige
of who and what we were
turning us one against another
letting us become all that we abhor
that promises everything
for just a few more feet of mudded turf
that which preys on the weak and the strong alike
that which defies the keen and the bright
that whose tempest smoulders without end
feeding on the plague of pride avarice hunger and dissent
with righteousness that screams and yells at every passing peaceful thought
this decoy of a better life
this savage ravaged night
of which we always say
there will be no more
this that we call a just
and necessary war ?
Martin Elder
Wed 21st Nov 2018 22:56
Thanks for your reading of this Stu it is much appreciated. Cheers