Torn out from the inside
dragging black shadow entrails from the depths.
Through ragged seams and broken bindings into the light.
Left me gasping
flailing towards the brim.
Cymbal crash screams pierce
as frigid air snatches
and carmine flows.
A steel manger chills as i choke to breathe
beyond the probe until
i am thrust upon Her breast.
Warm and comforting.
I sleep.
Sun 31st Jan 2010 00:00
I like this one too. It is unusual to describe birth from the perspective of the child and you have done it well. I think all births are pretty violent whether they are natural or not - lotsa blood, lots of 'jagged seams'... just why do us women forget and keep on doing it? I like the deification of the mother and the simplicity of the ending. You put it all in a nutshell - all the trauma and noise is over the minute the baby is put to breast. Beautiful. x