Today my mind
Today my mind is like the sky
it’s colours reflect my mood,
sparkling blue; with pools of ink.
As thoughts disperse, I dip in my finger
and write, no need to think.
Today my mind is akin to a tree,
It’s contours blow freely, my shackles
lift like leaves.
Today my mind is an ocean,
each breaking wave; I am fresh and new,
my shoreline reminds me of the present -
and takes away the past.
Today my mind turns to a book; it’s pages
tell the story of my life: I decide not to look.
Instead I walk, talk to a stranger,
we share a thought…
All poems are copyright of the originating author.
Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Belinda Johnston
Fri 8th Feb 2008 23:12
Thankyou Zuzanna and Mel for your comments on my poem.
I wrote this poem because as humans we often punish ourselves, beat ourselves up about the most trivial of things, and we are only hurting ourselves and in the process I feel that this takes us further away from out true self, and we can become detached from others'.
Thank you again
Belinda x :))