Your laugh
your smile
your voice
We are the same, you and I
You hurt
I hurt
your pain
my pain
We share the same roots
roots spread; pierce the soil
breakthrough the tassels
seek the sun
Emerging: Taking on new routes, our journeys
joined at the earths crust
Attached by name, blood, traits, emotionally vexed
a fire, a spirit burns, a warrier in you, in me, creeps slowly
footsteps of a geisha
You sing
I sing
you write
I write...
All poems are the copyright of the
originating author.
Permission must be obtained before using or performing others poems.
Belinda Johnston
Sat 9th Feb 2008 14:31
thank you Darren, Zuzanna, and Pete for you comments and encouragement.
I wrote this poem for my sister.