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A poet will pick up his pen

At the whim of his muse now and then

So he writes it all out

Then in tortured self-doubt

Rips it up and starts over again


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M.C. Newberry

Mon 21st Jan 2019 16:29

Nice one Trevor. We (well, maybe most of us) know just what you mean.
But revision is a decision
That might defeat derision.

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Don Matthews

Mon 21st Jan 2019 10:46

I like this doubt-rhyme you have writ
It flows like a river, and then
It hits some giant rapids and ripped up
After rapids starts over again ?


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lisa donohoe

Sun 20th Jan 2019 17:55

Doubt your self..
The author of lord of the rings was rejected over 100 times...
It did not mean his work was unworthy..
Always believe in ones self my friend ?x

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