Movie Dreams
Once in awhile
a dream will circle back
it's rare but some dreams recycle
like part II of a serial
they play out again in rerun reels
with the same story line
the same cast of characters
in the glow of misty light
dreams project upon our mind
this dream is so familiar
we recognize the lead
and so we let it play
to see if the plot resolves itself
if the hero gets the girl
the dream leaves an impression
in the workings of the mind
for here it comes again
in a strange mysterious way
tickets please
we know the story line
we've seen it once before
and we find the hero
looks remarkably like us
his character strong and brave
then awkwardly we awake
to find it ended way too quickly
in drowsiness we can only hope
the sequel will be coming soon
we would gladly watch it one more time
this dream recycled in our deepest sleep
like those who watch a movie twice
we would pay to see it all again.