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Those That Can; Teach.

                        Those That Can; Teach.



            You say you’re unemployed and bored,

And frustrated by a system failing fast,

You’re parents awarded only little resource,

Clinging on to politics of the past.


            You say you care and place

Without forethought your children into schools,

Schools where playground policies rule,

And thirty heads to share a class.


            Why, are you with all your Time

To spend, not teaching the child you love so dear?

Why are you not together in parent groups,

Empowering your child from home?


            Six to twelve in homes where three

To four parents shape the child,

Gives more than a fighting chance,

A chance in area’s where social depravation

Claims each life, before they have even

Attended class.


            Lighten the load of teachers

Trying their best in overcrowded schools,

Learn the school curriculum,

And pass exams to teach,

Take the child back you love so dear,

Make their future and your presence in

The present best,

            Make reward of balancing

Love with education, and give them

Their future, now plainly out of reach.



Michael J Waite Sunday 7th February 2010.

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Cate Greenlees

Sun 7th Feb 2010 18:08

So so so agree with this Mike. And those that cant try to tell us how we could do it better and give us higher and more unrealistic targets to reach until it all becomes a farce and league tables that you have to cheat to keep up with.
Give these politicians 5 mins in some of the classes these days and see how they go on!!
Cate xx

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