There's a cleft in a rock where blood flows out
from a gorge in Turkestan,
accessible only by arduous routes,
those who see it are mightily uplifted.
A blind man apparently started to see
when the sun came round at a quarter to three
on a highly significant alignment day.
A man sells ice cream from a four by four
a queue discreetly off to one side,
many pilgrims come to pray
in utter awe and mute prostration.
Celebrities with awful restrictions
come far and wide for benedictions
dropping in by helicopter
casting shadows across the gorge,
others of course must walk with sticks
but all seek out their religious kicks.
No one knows why the blood flows out,
the site is untouchable,
the mystery persists;
but every day a farmer comes
along the crest where a clump of trees
seeks out the merest kiss of breeze.
He passes above the holy spot
with head downcast like a tiny dot.
I saw him once with a bucket upended
amidst a patch of fresh killed sheep,
watched him with his knife in hand,
the sun just glinting off the blade
the wash of red, a ritual
of a sort, the perversion of a holy sport.
Fri 29th Mar 2019 17:27
Thanks Jennifer for coming back and rectifying your deletion! An almost biblical delay but highly welcome with the revelations you make. This must have seemed highly blasphemous to some, but, hey we must bravely post. Your comments are like an exoneration.