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Metal Tiger Roars In

Because of the nature of this poem, it must be stated by law that the contents and any relation to personal Chinese horoscope symbols you may recognize is purely for entertainment purposes. Based on the Chinese New Year which begins Feb' 14th. Thankyou.


Beware fair maidens, of the dragon's den,

for he's out there, seeking a mate; nostrils

gently flared, breathing steam, he'll make you feel

like a wanton mare, arching in his direction.

The dragon's in love and he wants you there,

pure; hot; unadulterated, steamy .......


Metal tiger pitches in with rabbits',

horses, dogs and cats: No worries, no cares,

they work together, travel together

smiling all the way in astral pleasures.

The sky, the world, the universe is theirs.

Ask and receive for all things great and good.


Snakes are in danger out in the open,

slithering between metal tiger's legs.

Shedding a skin is essential this year

yet adverse conditions and rivalry

make the snakes' feel vulnerable and cold.

The need to adapt maybe evident.

(before basking in sun, draped casually

on sand or the branches of  softwood trees'.)


Roosters' might crow just a little too loud

and metal tiger comes to give warning,

for a crow too loud is likely to raise

hackles on the napes of wolves and men, but...

the likelihood of getting shot is low.

Be your self-assured, cocky smiling self

(just mind you don't trip accidentally

or let others trip you up on purpose.)


Rats will be kept busy busy busy

as metal tiger's eyes shine down on them,

lighting up the tunnels, tall, wide and bright.

With no time for scuttling in corners

you might feel just a little, too exposed

yet generally happy, funny, light.


Oxen deserve a medal and a rest,

Behold! You're free! The metal tiger's here!

Take it easy - lap it up and enjoy!

Enjoy your rewards and compensation

for many years of drudge and ceaseless toil.

Bask in your freedom, it's yours, never fear!


Pigs - show off your pink, fleshy, flabby bits.

Show 'em to the world; let somebody else

clean your sty - you hate doing your own chores,

so metal tiger brings you new windows,

your visions will exceed expectation.

New home? New man who will not let you down?


Monkeys' will have, all the fun of the fair,

wrapping their tails around candy-floss sticks,

swingin' from trees' with the zest of a child.

No heavy-weight gorillas' for you dears'.

Flaunt with vigour; entertain then sleep sound,

you're generally at peace with the world.


Metal tiger and other tigers' mix

surprisingly well in camouflage halls,

blending among soldiers to join forces.

Immovable, un-stoppable presence,

you're liked and dis-liked in equal measure.

Shine! Do not allow the rust to settle.


The metal tiger leaps over scrap heaps,

lands to a screeching halt before year's end.

Looks back in dis-array, needs to back track,

burned paws;  licking his wounds'; feeling foolish?

Re-calculate and try again next year.

Will his successor fare better than he?






◄ Ghost of a Memory

Zebrina (A Wandering Jew) ►


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